Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Its been a very long day of nothing. Tonight the dressage club/team is getting together to do some jumping, and to hang out. We are hosting a show April 24th, and we are going to jump the courses to figure out what ones we are going to have for the show. We are expecting a LOT of people! atleast 8 from the University, and a bunch of others have contacted us so far. Its going to be a VERY busy day. But it should be loads of fun! So not this weekend but next. Only 8 more days till my birthday! so exciting i loves birthdays. Me and dew, and amy and dylan are all heading out to bugaboo on friday night for my birthday. I am a little suspicious, but thats how it is. So much to do in so little time!

Only only 2 more weeks of classes WOW! and then a week of finals! Craziness! Me and dew are buying his mom's house, and doing some much needed renovations. She is going to be declaring bankruptcy. *sigh* she started dialysis and has been doing it a LOT! So I don't know how much longer she is really going to be around. She wont be working anymore, but should be getting disability so she can help us with some of the house payments, AND we are charging dew's brother $300 a month for rent. FINALLY we can make him get off his lazy ass and actually contribute! I can't wait, this summer we are going to do so much :).


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