Thursday, August 30, 2007


Oh I LOVE her!
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So, I came home with this guy too. I love reptile expos they are sooo cool! This is a Pacman Frog, or an Argentine Horned Frog, or an Ornate Horned Frog. They go by several names, but this guy is extra pretty! Look at all his red! We named him Atari after the pacman theme ;). He's pretty cool, doesnt do too much, but thats how these little guys are.
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The leopard crew

Here is Thumper checking out his new women, Tiki and Peppermint.

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This is peppermint she is the other new addition to keep Thumper happy. She is a het stripe, reverse stripe, tremper. Not exactly sure what thats all supposed to mean.....but she will probably have some pretty cool babies! I was told that she could produce almost anything with those genetics. So we shall see.

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This is Tiki, she is a leucistic leopard gecko. Isn't she cute? She is just about a year old and the newest companion for Thumper, my big male leopard gecko.

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