Well the weekend started out with a lot of promise! It was me and dew's 5th anniversary on monday feb. 13th, and so we were going to celebrate over the weekend, which basically was going to include me making dinner and just spending time together. Which I am COMPLETELY happy with, I love spending time with him. I was a bit uncomfortable all weekend though because my grandfather was in the hospital for surgery and my dad never called to update me, so I was worried that something may have happened or what not..turns out it went well, he is just in a lot of pain and is disorientated....very understandable he is in his late 70s I forget exactly how old he is, and this is the first real medical issue that he has had. Then on Sunday when there was this huge storm....well not really huge but considering how this winter we haven't had hardly ANY snow...and yet again the snow is gone....getting 6 inches is huge! Me and dew went to the mall to run some errands together before I had to drive back up to school for work, well somewhere along the way he lost his car keys (we were driving my car, but he always insists on useing the spare set and not mine, so he brings his car keys so we can lock the front door). So we were stuck without a key to the house (we ended up crawling in through a window I just happened to unlock the night before) and he had no spare to his car. So we went back to the mall to search......well the plows hadn't done a very good job plowing and so we drove down a lane that wasn't really a lane and ran up over a curb and popped the tire, caused a relatively big slash tire was immediately flat *sigh*. So we drive it over to sears so they can put the donut on.
The guy at Sears is a complete moron, his name is Marty. One of the girls working there said not to mind him he died 5 years ago. Well I tell you what I was about ready to pull my hair out. You couldn't get a word out of him that made sense, and we had to explain ourselves like 50 times for him to understand it. We had popped the front tire....well he wanted to put the donut on the front, we said NO, put it on the back, and put a back tire on the front. Its a front wheel drive car you can't put a donut on it especially in the SNOW!!! I was like Dude even I know that....YOU work at a car place!!! *grumble* So finally we got the donut on. They didn't have our tire in stock :(. And the closest place was the Sears in New Hampshire or Brunswick, Maine. So I had to drive up to brunswick on Monday to get the tire put on. So all in all I didn't get to leave until tuesday morning to go back to school.
Then on monday we get a phone call that dew's mother is in the hospital again...this time she had low blood pressure and a few other things so took some glycerine tablets....but then DIDNT tell anyone *grumble* sometimes I really don't understand her. So her and my grandfather are in the hospital. OH and Niffen died :(. (he is one of my ferrets) 2 weeks ago Chaos his brother died after having convulsions. Niffen was in the bottom of the cage with him, comforting him. Chaos was 7 and Niffen was 6, they had been together since niffen was a baby (or atleast thats what I was told, we are their fifth owners we got them when they were 4 and 3). I really do believe that Niffen died because his brother was gone. They were both very old for ferrets, and I was sorta just waiting for one of them to go any time and they finally have. The other 5 are just as rambunctious and playful as ever. They don't seem to mind their friends being gone...but then again they saw both of them go, they didn't just disappear, so I think they know.
So that was my weekend....Long story short we got keys made up for dew's car and the house, with lots of extras of each! Oh and we did finish moving our bedroom to dew's mom's old bedroom whichis a LOT bigger, it had sorta been converted into storage after she moved downstairs (and subsequently moved out), so we went through all of it, threw a lot away, and sent a LOT to good will :). It needs to be re-insulated and re-sheetrocked/painted just like every other room in the house, but its not that bad :).
Pups are doing well, we have them on Wolf King (by Solid Gold) and Evo (by Innova) with sid on some wet food by Wellness. Sid's stool is finally starting to be more solid, I'm thinking of weaning him completely onto the Wolf King....since it is only since we added that to his food that his stool has gotten harder, and he seems to like the bison/salmon of the Wolf King a lot better than the Evo. Masi is still very liquidy, I started giving her some Probiotic and some Imodium to help her out a bit. She's been pooing in her kennel up to 3 times a day :( Its a very messy thing to come home to. We will have them in there kennels for only an hour or two while we run to the store for groceries and come back to her covered in her own feces....I don't understand it. I am assuming its just teenage/puppy stuff, so I hope she will out grow it soon. She has never had solid poo since we've had her, except for when we had her on imodium/pumpkin...So its back on the imodium. I was told that weims tend to have very loose stool till they are like a year old...but its beginning to worry me, so I think I'll be bringing her to the vet when I come home for Spring break and see how that goes.
More updates later