Maserati...aka Masi (ma zeee) She is approxiamately 10 weeks old, a dark blue female Weimaraner puppy. I don't have her papers yet, and I'm not sure when we will get them, I WILL be getting vet records and such soon, but it was sorta a hasty pick up. Here is her story. Mazi came from a good breeder for $1000.00! Happy couple brings her home, within the week she has eaten rat poison, YES rat poison, back to the breeders she goes, half dead. The breeder spends $7000 at the vet office to save her. After long days of IV's, meds and such she has recovered. So off to the foster home she goes. This foster home father just happens to work with Dewey, BUT its the office secretary who contacts Emily (Happy Tails Owner's Wife) saying they need to find a home for a weim. I've always loved them, but didn't think WE could have her so I call dew, to ask a guy at his work that works with bird dogs. Dew becomes interested, and when I get out of work we decide that YES we can have her. So the next day I call the Secretary at Dew's work (this is when i found out everything was all connected wierd yes). Unfortunately someone picked the puppy up that morning. But she wasnt sure she could financially support the pup, nor be able to handle her. Well not even a week later we get a phone call saying the lady will be returning her to the fosters, so yesterday morning at 7:30 I drove to dew's work and picked the puppy up. We got Sid during this week that the other lady had mazi, and now I can't give him up, so we have worked out the kinks. I LOVE PUPPIES. and i'm so happy to have a weim AND a basenji :)