So I've decided, after much thought, that I will be leaving ResLife. A wonderful feeling :). I gave in my resignation, and I am in search of a room for next semester. I will be staying in good ole Estabrooke Hall, but NOT as an RA (resident assistant). Its great. I'm so very happy. I have a job for next semester too! Puckerbrush needs help for next semester and I will very willing to give it. So if i work 5 days a week then I'll get $200. Not too bad. I will only have 10 credits, so I will be doing that, as well as hopefully doing the "campus tours" I'll be going in for an *interview* tomorow to see all about it. They pay $7.50 an hour. AND the great thing is that I won't have to work weekends unless I WANT to, AND I won't have to work past like 6 pm. Back to normal sleeping schedules for miss kim. So very exciting.....but now I have a presentation to give. *poof*